Tuesday, September 2, 2008

James riding the waves!!!

Olivia was obsessed with the birds. She was so great though just hanging around our little camp. The last hour she loved digging in the sand and running around. It was fun to watch her see and try new things.


Jeff said...

Oh I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous. You cant even begin to fathome how much I love Santa Cruz. Ughhhh, so jealous! I love the beach. Especially the beach at the Boardwalk. I went their with some friends for a leadership trip we put together. We spent times on rides then we spent like 4 hours on the beach and in the water. GOOOOOOOOOD TIMMMMMMEEEEES. Oh geeze, I cant control my jealousy right now!

Jeff said...


The Gray's said...

I am so jealous you were all able to go to the beach for Labor day. We had a high of 65 degrees here in Utah! You gotta love it, from 100 degrees to 65 degrees in 2 days! Someday we will come to Cali and go to the beach with you all! SOMEDAY!!!!!