Wednesday, November 5, 2008

mission organization

Today I went through all 3 girls closets and sorted, switched things around and organized. It is nice when they out grow clothes or need some warmer stuff because I can go right in the closet and pick the size they are in and VOILA!!! A whole new wardrobe. Now lucky for us we have a neighbor who has a daughter who is just a little older than Kaitlyn and she sends over clothes all the time. We're talking clothes that are in great shape some still with tags. The key is to only keep clothes that are in good shape and that the girls like. I now have 2 big bags of clothes for charity.

Olivia loved watching me sort through everything. She set their forever totally content with her books and m&m's.


Roxy said...

Look at that sweet M&M smile - that's my girl!!!

Suzette said...

I wish you lived closer and could come and orginize mine. You would think with three well four boys Ryans the worst I wouldn't have that many clothes and that I could pass them down.. But boys THRASH their clothes. Trevor comes home with holes in his shirt and pants I'm not to sure how he does it. And Josh and Gavin are so oppisite in sizes that I can't give Gavin his hand me downs because they are almost the same size. It would be so nice to have it all nice and neat. Good JOB!!!