Last night was a tough one. Brett had been sleeping through the night (9:00 - 7:00) since he was 3 weeks old. I know I'm spoiled!!! The last month he's been starting to week up once sometimes twice a night. Especially when he got RSV and we would give him breathing treatments at night. Well he's all over being sick but he is still waking up so last night we decided it was time!!!! The only way for your baby to learn how to fall asleep on their own is to let them cry it out. I fed him and he was sound asleep around 9:00. He then woke up crying at 1:30, I listened to him for about an hour then went in and made sure the blankets were still on him and that he was warm. Now my babies don't do well with me coming in and patting their backs and telling them they are ok. Instead they get more worked up and the crying last longer. So when he saw me I knew I'd made it worse. I turned our bathroom fan on to dull of the sound before getting back in bed. Eventually he started settling down and crying out every few minutes. I fell asleep then woke up at 4:00 and checked on him and he was sound asleep.
He had done it and I know the first few nights are the hardest but it sure isn't easy. Today as I was cleaning he was in the living room under his activity set. I noticed how quiet he was and I found him sound asleep. Poor little guy is just exhausted. I told the kids what we did last night and Kaitlyn asked how long he cried. I told her a couple of hours I think. Derick said that he started crying at 1:44 and stopped at 3:21. Brett's room is right above Derick's and so Derick heard him. I told D we would turn on the fan in his bathroom so he wouldn't hear him.
Hope night # 2 is better!!!
It does get better... usually night 4 is when they dont really cry. Brooke slept with us until she was 2 and she never slept thru the night (started in her room at 8 and then ended up in our bed at 1ish for the rest of the night). When she turned 2 (which was wayyy too long to wait) we decided to let her cry it out (actually we had her sleeping thru the night at 13 months but sh ended up getting a really bad cough/cold and it didnt last long). anways... day 1 and 2 are the worst, day 3 is a little better, and day four she was sleeping on her own (i read it can take a little longer for some.. like day 5 and 6 are better)... but stick it out and it'll be worth it!! good luck!
my poor little brett cried for 2 hours!!! oh no no no he needs to come stay with his aunt nae nae. I would hold him all night long!!!
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